Everyone is texting these days...
Why not give your customers and prospects the option?
feature-rich text options include:
Text Number Features
- Your legacy business phone number converted to receive text messages. OR -
- Use the NEW FREE phone number that comes with the service
- Use the FREE widget that will pop up on the bottom center of your mobile website
- Always mention "CALL OR TEXT US" wherever you post your business's phone number
Business Owner Dashboard Features
- Starter package comes with up to 3 simultaneous users
- Users can "Claim" a conversation so other users will not barge in to the conversation
- Users can pass a conversation to another user
- Pre-typed short cut messages for fast reply to routine questions like "What are your hours?"
- Auto response messages can be programmed for After-hours or holiday hours
- Inline notes can be left by the user that won't be transmitted over text
- Create Groups like "Employees", "Management Staff", "Drivers", "Wait Staff" and broadcasts texts to everyone in the group
- Schedule messages for the future, great for reminders or even staff "Happy Birthday" texts
- Training videos for every feature setup
- + MORE
Customer and Prospect Features
- Give the people who want to get a hold of your business the TEXT option
- More and more people prefer a quick text message over a phone call, give them a TEXT LINE
- Sometimes customers just want to give you a heads up - "Hi, this is Sue Smith and I'm running 10 min late"
- Sometimes customers just want one quick answer - "Hi, do you guys offer any gluten free dishes?"